Gestió de RRHH - Head of Human Resources

Head of Human ResourcesBARCELONA (BARCELONA)Empresa: Fundació P. Centre de Regulació GenòmicaDescripció: Job description We are looking for a Head of HR who is excited by the challenge of driving change and providing pro-active HR leadership and support in a stimulating international research environment. Reporting to the Managing Director, the Head of HR is responsible for designing, developing and implementing HR policies and procedures aligned with the strategy of the organization, thus offering a supportive, encouraging and challenging working environment that promotes equal opportunities, ethical integrity and work-life balance. The successful candidate will have strong communication skills and the ability to build strong relationships internally and externally, as well as to inspire, motivate and drive all members. He/she shall provide leadership to the HR team currently composed by 5 members, in order to ensure quality and timely HR services to all CRG Staff, as well asscientific and non-scientific collaborators (around 600) located in two different locations (Barcelona Biomedical Research Park - PRBB and Barcelona Scientific Park - PCB). The main duties of this position will be: Leadership HR Talent & Development HR General Management Relació laboral: LABORAL INDEFINITNombre Hores: 8Salari mensual des de: 0Salari mensual fins a: No informat21/08/2018

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