Ensenyament - English native teacher

English native teacherBARCELONA (BARCELONA)Empresa: ETALENTUM SELECCIÓNDescripció: Empresa de selecció de personal buscant els perfils més adequats que ens sol·liciti l'empresa.For language school in the region of Osona, we select a native English teacher. Its main tasks and responsibilities are: - Teaching English to mainly to school-going children, teens, adults and business (multinational companies). - Term evaluation, exam preparation and students reports. - Staff meetings every week. - Preparing students for external exams (Cambridge A2-C1). - Timetable for classes is: some mornings/afternoons and evenings (Monday to Friday). Minimum requirements: - Native English Speaker. - Recognized TEFL qualification. - Regular user of new technologies. It offers: - Immediate incorporation. - Full-day, with 25h - 27h lecure hours a week. - Attractive salary to be discussed during contract negotiations. - Paid holidays. - Accommodation at a reduced price. Valuable requirements: - Working knowledge of Spanish or Catalan. - Experience with Cambridge exam preparation (PET, FCE, CAE) Experiencia requerida: - Minimum 2-3 years of experience as an English teacher. Formación requerida: - University Degree (preferably in Languages). - Recognized TEFL qualification. Idiomas requeridos: - Native English.Relació laboral: LABORAL INDEFINITNombre Hores: 0Salari mensual des de: 0Salari mensual fins a: 021/09/2018

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